Daily opening times:
Saturday 30 March – Sunday 28 April 2024
Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Saturdays – Sundays 10:00am – 4:00pm
Public Holidays CLOSED
A series of dreamy landscapes by Jaclyn Poke, evoking a sense of awe and wonder experienced in beloved scenes of Tasmania.
“The beach near my home is where I see life unfolding; the revealing of age-old stories through nature. A presence that is infinitely more wise and powerful than me.
I am an artist, former teacher and current art therapist who lives on the NW coast of Tasmania. An art school graduate, I facilitate therapy sessions whilst pursuing my arts practice. I create abstract impressions of local landscape, based predominantly on the coastal area where I live.
In recent times I have been exploring places of sentimentality, that evoke a feeling of reminiscing. The landscape around me is full of childhood memories and significant events from my family’s history, so I am endeavouring to harness the energy from those moments and replicate the familiar from a childlike sense of wonder. My vision for this exhibition is to explore these local landscapes and create a series of abstracted visual narratives of my ‘home spaces’.
I have lived in Tasmania for most of my life, and am enjoying returning to the places of earlier significance, that have taken on new meaning and importance in my adult years. Hence why creating a romantic, dream-like quality to the work is an important part of my creative process.”
– Jaclyn Poke