This event is part of Winter Light 2022 and is presented by Salamanca Arts Centre

Music, art, costume, VR and film are the tools PARKER uses to implore us to travel through the hallways of her mind in Body of Work. From breaking up to dreaming big her work propels us on a journey that’s a poetic evaluation of liminality. In the waiting rooms of life, potentiality implores us to take a chance, to lament, to wander and to wonder– PARKER is our guide.

Using sound and vision to sculpt and disrupt space, each exhibition in the series reacts explicitly to the architecture in which it is held– no two visits are the same. Each show is incomplete without you, the audience, to participate in this Body of Work.

17 – 21 August 2022
11am – 4pm daily
Long Gallery

Whilst the wearing of masks is not mandatory it is recommended in certain situations by Tasmanian Public Health.  Masks will be available upon entering the venue for those patrons who would like one.  

If you’re unwell, it is recommended that you stay at home, and we look forward to welcoming you at Salamanca Arts Centre another time.

Tash Parker

A white woman with brown hair and blue eyes looks directly to camera. She is wearing a blue silken top and has it covering part of her chin. We see her from the shoulders up. She stands in front of a peach background.
Photo: Isabella Connelly

Tash Parker (PARKER)  is a multidisciplinary artist and musician born in Western Australia and raised on a tropical fruit farm in the North East Kimberley, now based in Launceston Tasmania.  Her music is a powerhouse of retro-futurist electronica that soars with glossy synths and commanding vocals.

Her artistic practice is centred around reactionary works in collaboration with musicians, visual artists and technology artists to curate multi-sensory experiences:

“I write about what is real and happening whether that be about my own relationships and experience in my body or an imagined reality of a space travelling future ancestor.” –PARKER

The Visual Artists

Photo: supplied by the artist

Briony Law
Briony Law is a visual artist currently based in Brisbane, Australia who works primarily with sculpture, moving image and installation. Her practice explores aspects of human ecology, urbanisation and the complex systems of mediation at play in parks, reserves and conservation areas. Her work observes social practices in these places and notions of nature connectedness

Photo: supplied by the artist

Gina Thorstensen
Gina Thorstensen is an artist, illustrator, animator based in Oslo, Norway. She holds a masters in VR filmmaking and has worked on award winning animated films and music videos (Gotye – Giving Me A Chance).  Gina has exhibited in Barcelona, Berlin & Copenhagen and has a strong practice in collaboration with fashion designers, musicians, artists and filmmakers.

Photo: supplied by the artist

Hans Van Vliet
Long time collaborator with Tash Parker, Hans Van Vliet is a live musician (Wafia, PARKER, Hunz & 7 Bit Hero) a music producer (PARKER, Hunz & 7bit Hero) and an animator/game designer based in Brisbane. He is the creator of 7bit Hero, an interactive live performance video game, the Creative Director for Kids psychology game, Rumbles Quest and Game Director for Children’s book app Kindergo.

Photo: supplied by the artist

Jacob Collings
Jacob is a nipaluna based filmmaker who is driven by conveying the internal feelings of life and telling the stories of those around him. He has engaged in projects with National Geographic, ABC, Channel 7 and STAN, He got his start as a freelancer, working on music and Arts projects across Australia.

Photo: supplied by the artist

Jaymis Loveday 
Jaymis is a video director and creative technologist. He pushes the dimensions of video and live performances by mixing VR, robots, cameras, 3D printers, drones, music, electronics, computer gaming, programming, lighting, animation, and explosions.  He is a live VJ performer for bands 7bit Hero, Tim Shiel and Nonsemble, and the creator of Cinema Swarm: the Autonomous Subject Tracking Robotic Camera System.

Lillian Bell
Lillian Bell is an offgrid artist based in regional Victoria.  Lillian uses drawing, sculpture, ceramics, light, found objects and stop motion animation to tell imagined histories of women.  She shines a light on possible hidden and untold stories buried by the patriarchy.

Photo: supplied by the artist

Ursula Woods
Ursula Woods is a filmmaker based in southern Tasmania. She is a current member of the Australian Directors Guild (ADG), Women in Film and Television (WIFT) and Wide Angle Tasmania. Ursula is best known for her short film Clockumentary, which was selected and shown at a variety of festivals including the Melbourne Documentary Film Festival 2020 and Far South Film Festival 2021.

The Muscians

Emma Anglesey
Emma’s songs have been playlisted by Double J and ABC Radio and used by Triple J to advertise Unearthed. Emma has performed at Woodford Folk Festival, A festival called Panama, Falls Festival, Party in the Paddock, Dark Mofo and Mona Foma, and toured with Guy Pearce, The Waifs and JUNO award winning Canadian band The East Pointers. In 2018 she showcased at Australia’s SXSW BIGSOUND.

Photo: Thomas Wood

Emi Doi
Emi Doi is a 23-year-old keyboardist, vocalist and songwriter, currently creating and working in her hometown of nipaluna, Hobart. A local music enthusiast and current member of local indie-pop four-piece ‘ACRES’, she has performed across a range of venues and festivals throughout Tasmania, including the Falls Festival and Party in the Paddock, supporting the likes of the Rubens and the Creases. She has recently jumped on board as a keyboardist for Hobart-based artist CELESTE and Launceston-based artist PARKER.

Behind the scenes
Creative support and development for exhibitions and performances

Photo: supplied by the artist

Michelle Boyde – Costume Design
Michelle is a freelance Tasmanian designer working across costume, fashion, stage and film.   Her work has been commissioned by numerous high profile cultural organisations including Chunky Move Dance Co., Melbourne Fashion Week, Mona, Dark Mofo and Design Tasmania and her designs have graced the backs of a plethora of independent artists locally and abroad.

Photo: Felipe Pagani

Allison Bell
Award winning Soprano Allison Bell is one of the leading and most exciting performers of 20th and 21st century music of her generation. Allison is also a celebrated voice teacher and peak performance coach, teaching both privately and within young artist programs and universities. Allison is a mentor and coach to the next generation of singing stars – from professional opera and classical singers to cross-over performers such as Kate Miller-Heidke, Allison’s students are leaders in their genres, internationally.

VR equipment provided by Soma Lumia

Thursday 20 January- Sunday 27 March 2022
This exhibition is part of the OPEN SKY / Kelly’s Garden 2022 program
Curated by Ainslie Macaulay

Closing Event
23 March 2022
5.30pm – 7pm

Jake Walker will present a group of ambiguous ceramic objects, alluding to keys, paintings and alternate realities.

Grog: a granular material that has been crushed down from brick, refractory rock, or other pre-fired ceramic product and added to clay to give textures, reduce shrinkage during firing, help the clay to form uniformly and stop cracking and warping when being fired.

Grog; a strong alcoholic drink, originally rum , mixed with water

For all sales of work please contact Station:

Photos: Jesse Hunniford
Photo: Jesse Hunnifrod

Jake Walker | Genevieve Griffiths

Jake Walker

Jake Walker was born in New Zealand and moved to Australia in 2000. His practice is inextricably linked to the natural and cultural landscapes of New Zealand. Walker admits that as a child he ‘didn’t really know there were too many other kinds of painting’ aside from landscapes. His works are constantly shifting and revisited after some time, with chance and instinct at the core of his working practice. Sometimes this results in works of ‘weightlessness of accident and incident.’ Exploring themes of modernist architecture and abstract perspectives, Walker’s free and loose sense of play embraces material forms. Walker sees paintings as objects, not flat two-dimensional images. This openness to experimental processes has led to a series of works using clay- painterly forms and stoneware frames that lead from one thing, to another.

He is represented by Station (Melbourne)Gallery 9 (Sydney)Hamish McKay Gallery (Wellington NZ)Ivan Anthony (Auckland) and Dutton (NYC).