Daily opening times:
11 – 21 January, 2024

10am – 3.30pm

The elevation of Joy through artistic creation in the face of Climate Change.

Expressing colour, light, & beauty through visual creative expression, lifts our spirits to ‘higher ground’, and sharing with you, adds to our joy.


We are 2 best friends, 2 creatives who met in the Northern Rivers region of NSW in the late 70’s…when there was a chance to avert the effects of Climate Change.

We have shared together 2 climate-caused calamities … the fearful threat of fire to Inara’s farm in 2019, … then the sadness & despair from the horrendous floods of February 2022 when the heart of our old town of Lismore was mashed with water and mud.

Despite the background hum of anxiety that remains & is now forever created by Climate Change uncertainties and traumas, we delight in creativity.  It lifts us to ‘higher ground’ within.

Making images of colour and light that are inspired by the beauty, shapes and bounty of nature on our beautiful planet, this, is joyful.

Having this opportunity to share, helps me remember how important it is to feel safe, with feet dry, in the company of good friends.


In these works my descriptions and awareness of the diverse aspects of the landscape of the Northern Rivers region of NSW are intended to be viewed as a perception of my emotional connection to place rather than a representation of a locality.

The art works are a portrayal of my being spiritually in tune with and connected to the land.  Respecting the relationship between spirit and matter as being the source of joy and wellbeing in my life, with a recognition of the divine; of something greater at work in our lives.

Using pattern. colour, collage and texture, the artworks attempt to reflect this kinship and relationship to the natural world.

Opening event:
11 January, 2024 – 5pm

Times and dates:
9 – 16 January, 2024
9.30am – 5pm

Mapping the paradoxes

‘Confined / Unconfined’ presents a body of work from a paradoxical period of my life. As a family we moved, for a year, to the other side of the world, to live in a city to which I was both alien and familiar, where I was both liberated and confined, mobile and sedentary. It was a year of progress and of standing still.

My art practice was both constrained and released to run in new directions.  

Restricted mainly to drawing, life in Dublin’s outer suburbs allowed the evolution of a number of ideas that I had been waiting to develop for several years. These ideas form the core of the exhibition.

Thematically they cover themes to which I return frequently: humanity’s relationship to the environment, the alienation of the virtual world, and modern working life. However a common element to these works is a sense of claustrophobia with the systems, processes and networks of human civilisation.

The two exceptions are ‘Species’ and ‘Unconfined Spaces’ which view the world from an uncharacteristically liberated perspective.

Presented by Julia Castiglioni Bradshaw, Stephen Bond & Tim Price

Daily opening times:
20 December, 2023 – 6 January, 2024

Weekdays – 10am – 4pm
Saturdays – 10am – 3pm
Sundays – 11am – 3pm

Abstract Organics is an exhibition of 3 artists with a litany of years experience wrangling divergent processes, ways and means of incorporating abstraction into artwork.

Abstract Organics attempts to create an abstract meeting space to show similarities and differences across a bountiful “Paella” of skills gained over years of focus, neglect and loss of memory.

Price’s Urban flattening of walls and streets to the canvas, Castiglioni Bradshaw’s essence of vegetable chopped up into an abstract pastiche and Bond’s agonized organic sculptures from highly controlled action drawings all maintain vestiges of representational or “real” origins that prise their abstractified end products into existence.

Another important aspect that this show brings on stage is the use of motif, symbol or pareidolia. These strategies are employed thematically bringing rise to comments like “Is that a hare or a duck?” or “I’ve seen that Pacman motif on many a Persian carpet” or “That’s a nice cold-frame of Zucchinis”.

Inevitably Abstract Organics provides a nexus from where viewers can learn about the wide world of abstraction and what things can evolve from a trio that have a long history of its use in their arts practice.

Uncertain times are ahead.

Are we dangerously close to a cosmic shift in our way of life?

Are you ready for The Visit?

In this installation The Visit is taking place.

The Who, What, Where and When isn’t determined. We, as boxed humans filled to the brim of humanness thoughts, information, fears, desires, random useless emotions, some useful ones too, we stand and watch The Visit unfold.

We don’t know what to do, do we engage with and follow our new visitors, or do we stand back fearfully thinking they might be an enemy and here to do harm?

Taking inspiration from my employment as a gallery attendant, I observe visitors in many different stances, I closely watch their behavior – observing the observer.

Often I have seen visitors outside of their comfort zone, either being in the gallery in the first place, an alien space for some, or being confronted with ideas, visuals or sounds that disrupt their norm. I help expand their minds.

Would you dare go if you were invited to explore the unknown?

Ceramics and mosaics by Donna Ritchie.

Wire words written by Chris Hall.

Copper wire twisted by Donna and Chris.

Wire word text placed in the Lightbox Gallery reads as follows:

Nobody looks in the shadows

they assume that nothing is there

But look close into the shallows of dark

and something is shining, blinking, aware

Presented by the family of Patricia Giles

This retrospective exhibition will showcase the evolution of Patricia Giles’ artistic journey through her landscapes.

We are excited to present a retrospective exhibition celebrating the life and work of the late Tasmanian artist, Patricia Giles. This exhibition will focus on her extensive body of work, with a particular emphasis on her captivating landscape paintings.

Patricia Giles was a renowned artist known for her deep connection to the Tasmanian landscape, and her paintings captured the beauty and essence of this unique environment.

December 1, 2023 – Jan 28, 2024

Daily opening times:

9 AM – 5 PM

Variations to Daily Opening Times :

Saturdays and Sundays 10am – 3pm

The surface of the body has no edge. It folds and involutes into spaces of breath, sustenance and reproduction. At the same time, the skin is a membrane between the internal and the external: a threshold within the continuum of embodied experience.

Emma Bingham is a resident artist at Salamanca Arts Centre. Her studio-based research draws on theoretical and philosophical ideas of the body as a site of inheritance, encounter, and transformation, and on the combined aspects of her life: as mother, partner and nurse. She considers how abstract form can highlight the evocative and affective capacity of process, and how the material properties of paper, cloth and wax can evoke the body, a sense of holding and the traces of touch: the connections and residues which are formed through our lives and our encounters with others.

Daily opening times:
29 November – 12 December, 2023 (Sidespace Gallery)
10am – 4pm

14 December, 2023 – 28 January, 2024 (Studio Gallery)
10am – 4pm

Pivotal.  Definition;  big moments and little moments of clarity that provide us with new perspectives and opportunities for change.

PIVOTAL, big moments and little moments of clarity that provide us with new perspectives and opportunities for change.

Works in watercolour, gouache and graphite featuring the everyday, a feather, a bird’s nest, to the rare and uncommon, the tiny Tasmanian Red Handfish.

We take much for granted and in doing so, we devalue it.  This response is not necessarily intentional, but life is busy, and there is an assumption, an acceptance what we view about us will always be there.

We live in pivotal times.  Do we need to reconnect; do we need to find ‘enchantment’ in the simple and uncomplicated to rediscover balance?  I think so.  

As Author Katherine May writes in her latest publication ‘Enchantment: Awakening Wonder in an Anxious Age’ – ‘Our sense of enchantment is not triggered only by grand things; the sublime is not hiding in distant landscapes. The awe-inspiring, the numinous, is all around us, all the time. It is transformed by our deliberate attention. It becomes valuable when we value it’.

Daily opening times:
25 January – 12 February, 2024
10am – 4pm

Tasmanian Totems is a timely reminder that life is a beautiful but ultimately fragile endeavor and memento mori. Kitsch but never vulgar, this collection will focus your mind on one universal truth: that all shall pass eventually, with beauty as the epicentre. In a philosophically way: death doesn’t exist.

Greta Diaz Ortiz has a Masters Degree in Fine Arts from the Polytechnical University of Valencia (2011), traveling extensively since to satisfy her intense interest in the natural world and the cultural fabric it supports.

Paying her peripatetic way for over a decade as a tattoo artist she landed in Tasmania in 2020 and immediately responded to the immense natural beauty of her new home. After participating in a number of art collaborations in Hobart she decided to create her first solo exhibition in Tasmania with a focus on her passions: art and nature.

Being disconnected from nature damages the human soul. Bringing pieces of nature to your intimate place evokes bucolic feelings while stimulating renewed connections. These pieces demand veneration for the natural world by emphasizing the dichotomy of perfect imperfection: perfection does not exist in nature, no matter how much we strive for it.

Totems historically are pieces of nature which connect individuals with their raison d’etre. Humans appreciate the spiritual significance, bringing totems to their ancestor’s memories. We believe and behave as though the earth belongs to us when in reality the equation is the other way around.

Tasmanian Totems as a collection seeks to stimulate your subconscious and reconnect you with your senses and spirituality.

The artist mixes media to create pieces which are unique and yet related. Visitors are invited on an organic journey through hidden memories to our tribal instincts via works forged from the elemental to stimulate the senses. Reflections of life and death await, with beauty existing in both phases. Beauty is the connection in this idiosyncrasy, the world is always full of beauty and even if we cannot appreciate it is stills there, the never ending love of Nature.

Manifesting her influences through repurposed discharged animal bones, sponges, feathers, wood, sand and diverse recycled material from across Tasmania affords these natural remnants a second life; beauty renewed.

Creating pieces which allow pure nature airs and graces befitting their existence, some of Greta’s important influences include: animism, shamanism, mysticism and the occult. Greta’s passion for nature springs from an exaltation of the elements: water meets earth meets air meets metal.

Flamboyant representations of the natural world in settings spannin the realm of fortune from majestic to morbid. To conjure reflections on the essence of life.

Public Art Events

    Escape Pod

    Artist: Colin Langridge
    Location: Courtyard
    Installation Date: January 2021

    The Courtyard
    View event

      SAC Walls Project

      Curated by Lisa Campbell-Smith & Brendan Walls
      Location: Facade of Salamanca Arts Centre
      Installation Date: February 2020

      Salamanca Arts Centre
      View event

      Presented by Stephen Mallick