Opening Event 
Friday 22 July 2022
5:30pm – 7:30pm

Paintings, drawings and assemblages from Justine Wake’s recent Arts Residency at Salamanca Arts Centre. The exhibition includes one of Justine’s ‘busking walls’ for people to interact and purchase from, with offerings of their choice.

Working away from home, with kunanyi mountain in sight, Justine Wake’s exhibition focuses on the small things and the very big things of life, using painting, drawing and assemblage. Justine’s exhibitions often incorporate a playful and interactive body of work and in this exhibition there is a ‘busking wall’ taking up an entire wall of the gallery. The wall is covered in paintings and drawings of all sizes and mediums, giving you the chance to spend time considering what stands out and whether any of the works might have a use or meaning for you. If a work ‘lands’, just as a busking musician’s music might ‘land’, the work can be taken home at a price of your own choosing. Works on the busking wall can be marked with a red dot for collection later or removed and taken home on the day. 

Justine is a family woman and psychotherapist who has been working in mental health for 22 years and in the field of art psychotherapy for over a decade. Justine has practised as a painter for even longer. The last seven years have seen a more focussed approach to art making for Justine with a number of residencies and solo exhibitions in Meanjin/Brisbane and in Naarm/Melbourne. 

This exhibition is supported by Sailor Seeks Horse.

Justine Wake. Red tree. Acrylic on canvas!.
20cm x 30cm.
A white wall covered in small drawing and paintings, including sketches of animals, faces and plants.
Justine Wake. Busking wall (detail) (2022).
Multiple works.
A small mixed media assemblage against a white background. Within a white paper frame there are three crosses, one painted green, one painted black with a white line ontop, and the third created from scraps of brown and green paint, topped with a matchstick.
Justine Wake. Kisses (2022). Mixed media assemblage. 8cm x 10cm.

Photo by Kate Atkinson.

Justine Wake

Justine Wake is from Meanjin, Queensland and her recent Arts Residency at Salamanca Arts Centre has focussed on harvesting the crops grown from seeds planted over the past few years of her family life and work as a psychotherapist.

The majority of Justine’s art making is a response to ideas and experiences that run through her mind as she goes about daily life. In these reflections, she is often interested in the experience of being ‘betwixt and between’ – who do we become when we are in a space that has no context or a space that exists only due to being between two different states.

“I am in middle age now, an interesting kind of in between time. As a psychotherapist I also spend a lot of my working life in this space with people- supporting emergence from unwelcome or uncomfortable places in between. I am intuitively and also professionally comfortable inhabiting this realm. To explore this in my imagery, I am drawn to the metaphorical richness of colour, the botanical world, animals and the elements.”
– Justine Wake

State of Flux Workshop operates from Salamanca Arts Centre as a contemporary jewellery and object gallery and workshop.

Its four members, Anna Webber, Gabbee Stolp, Jane Hodgetts and Emma Bugg, create and retail work from the space. 

State of Flux Workshop strives to create a greater connection with mainland peers and instil themselves in the national and global conversation of contemporary jewellery and objects.

In September 2021, State of Flux Workshop was successful in their bid to exhibit in Radiant Pavilion, Melbourne’s Contemporary Jewellery and Object Biennial.

The revolving selection of pieces displayed in the Lightbox demonstrate some of the techniques, tools and prototype workings of pieces before they are complete.

Pieces reflecting themes by each of the four individual members of State of Flux Workshop will be on display, alongside slow motion video documentation, giving a closer look at processes behind how things are made.

Follow the pink rope to find State of Flux Workshop.

Works by Emma Bugg. Brass, concrete.
Works by Jane Hodgetts. Sand cast, brass.
Works by Gabbee Stolp. Handmade ear hook.

Salamanca Arts Centre, Bett Gallery and Contemporary Arts Tasmania

Free but registration essential
This event is for current TATA members only

11am – 12pm
Curator + Artist Floor Talk
Long Gallery
Salamanca Arts Centre
The panel will consist of artists Kate Tucker, Eloise Kirk, Grant Nimmo and curator, Daine Singer discussing their work in the exhibition, O Horizon

12.15pm -1.15pm
Break for lunch
Grab a bite to eat at the Salamanca Markets or bring along your packed lunch to relax nearby.

1.30pm – 2.30pm
Artist Talk with Meg Walch
Bett Gallery
Join artist Dr Meg Walch as she discusses her new exhibition, Uncanny.

2.45pm – 3:45pm
Curator talk with Lisa Campbell-Smith
Contemporary Arts Tasmania
BioGym by Mary Maggic and Grace Gamage
Presented by Contemporary Art Tasmania and Dark Mofo 2022
Explore the boundaries between biology and culture, with an introduction from Curator, Lisa Campbell-Smith

Transport Available
While registered guests may choose to drive for the gallery hop, TATA have booked a bus for those registered, although this has limited capacity of up to 40 passengers. First in, best dressed. This is a complimentary offering. For those taking the bus, passengers are asked to wear a face mask throughout.

Departure, Salamanca
The bus will depart from Salamanca, out the front of IMAS, 20 Castray Esplanade, after the allocated lunch break. We ask passengers to please be mindful of time and not to be late.

3:35pm Return
Contemporary Art Tasmania-Salamanca precinct
The bus will depart CAT after the final session and return to Salamanca for a final drop off.

This exhibition is part of the OPEN SKY / Kelly’s Garden 2022 program
Curated by Ainslie Macaulay

Opening event
7 July 2022
5.30pm – 7.30pm

Infliction defines itself between a reconstructed ruin and a reclamation of culture, archives, and materiality. In re-forming these structures that have been lost, the works looks forward, constructing staunch architectural forms that have never existed within lutruwita.

These roughcast structures fulfill the duty of representing my place, my family storyline, and serve as a residence for everything ‘inherent’. Further these constructions have become a beacon for unknown ancestors to gather, a landmark for dialogue around losses of indigenous origin and place, and an expression of transgenerational emotions that are rooted in the dark and violent past of Tasmania’s colonisation.


Jordan Cowan

Jordan Cowen is an indigenous multi-disciplinary contemporary artist/designer based on Muwinina Country. His artistic expressions over time have become grunge yet direct in aesthetics. Jordan composes works through processes of construction, destruction, decay, and reclamation. His practice has expanded from a continuous inspiration of ruins, archives, street art, and nipaluna’s urban environments. Grasping on topics that connect/concern culture, displacement, and temporality of place.

Proudly presented by Salamanca Arts Centre.

Come and hear some of Hobart’s finest Gypsy Jazz artists play a ‘session’ like you have never heard before!
Curated and hosted by award winning virtuoso violinist Charlie McCarthy, members of the musical community are encouraged to join in, just like they did back in the day.
Expect to be wowed by the music of the 1930’s Parisian Belle Epoque’ (Beautiful Era). This is the music that Monet, Renoir, Degas, Picasso, and Van Gogh listened to when they were out and about on their adventures.

Everyone is welcome!

Want to play along too?

If you are interested in participating in these sessions, then please register your interest below and Charlie will put your name on the list, and make sure there is a seat available for you.

Hosted by award winning virtuoso violinist Charlie McCarthy and featuring local and travelling musicians of the highest calibre, the Salamanca Gypsy Jazz Sessions differ from a regular musical performance in a few key ways.

This Gypsy Jazz Jam is based on how the genre was originally encountered in the 1930’s Parisian social scene, around a campfire fire/table or in a bar or even backstage during a gig where the musicians were formally booked to play for dances and would jam backstage for fun.

The Musicians will be seated in a circle facing each other, unrehearsed but with common repertoire and familiar calls/instructions/signals for on-the-spot arrangement decisions. All tunes are played from memory, no charts, just a list of common songs and everyone leads the song they nominate. Musicians can take a break whenever they like but the music is pretty much continuous and other musicians and even members of the audience are encouraged to join in and participate also! BYO instrument!

The audience is invited to be close to the music, and can move around the musicians, with the option of changing location at any time, go to the bar and enjoy a drink, chat and interact with friends, get in close to the musician you want to observe the most.

This session will not be amplified so move up close to hear the music as loud as you like.

The main goal being more fun for all.

Why these sessions are so special
The musicians are more relaxed and will be more communicative and adaptable to variation in the moment, they will play uninhibited and take musical risks to the enjoyment of all.

The audience engages with the musicians directly. Chats between tunes, observing the interactions first hand and even getting involved if you bring your instrument.

You hear the true sound of the instrument directly from the instrument, no amplification, no feedback, so that when identical instruments are soloing you can clearly see/hear who is doing what. These instruments have been around for hundreds of years and are already the perfect volume for this kind of music.

The Salamanca Gypsy Jazz Sessions are presented by Salamanca Arts Centre as part of its Live Music Program, which is supported by the Commonwealth Government’s Live Music Fund.

  • Supporters

    Salamanca Art Centre’s 2022 programs are supported by the Commonwealth Government’s Office of the Arts via the RISE Fund.

The debut solo exhibition by emerging Tasmanian designer-maker Patrick Adeney.

Concept to Collection is centred around two bodies of work, ‘Elbe’: A series of dining tables, and ‘Mara’: A series of benches. The work is tactile and sculptural, soft edges and sweeping curves enticing the viewer to touch and feel the work.

In developing these bodies of work, Patrick has been able to explore materiality, form, balance, colour, and their relationship to functionality. He has been able to experiment with his designs and identify where a design is successful, and more importantly- where it is not.

This developmental stage has been greatly assisted by Patrick receiving the Springboard Scholarship at Designed Objects Tasmania. The scholarship has funded Patrick’s workshop and studio expenses for 6 months, and also committed funding towards his exhibition. Designed Objects Tasmania (DOT) continues to provide fantastic resources and support for early career designers in Hobart.

“The support from DOT has been enormous. As an emerging designer, the people of DOT have really helped me to develop my work, which is invaluable during these early stages.”

Patrick is inspired by the vast natural world around him in Tasmania, his furniture referencing shapes and junctions found in some of Tasmania’s most iconic trees. Whilst the work is sculptural, it is equally functional and robust. The maker loves to showcase how timber can be connected, with a strong focus on exposed joins; bringing a more traditional element into a very contemporary practice.

Concept to Collection follows the story of each piece as it develops; how necessary changes are made to overcome issues, and move towards a fully resolved design.

It is through this process of exploring an idea, creating a design, building it, then rebuilding it – that the maker feels most comfortable.

“I never formally trained as a furniture maker, my background is as a tradesman. Design for me can’t just be on the iPad, that will get me only 50% there. I need to make it, look at it, live with it, study it in the flesh and then do it again.”

“This process of refinement is not about seeking absolute perfection. It’s about working towards it. It’s about taking the best parts of a prototype and doing it again, this time a little better.”

This exhibition was assisted by Arts Tasmania.

A close up of the legs of a dining table made from Tasmanian oak, against a white background. The legs are casting shadows against the wall and floor.
Studio Adeney. Elbe dining table (2022). Tasmanian Oak.
A close up of the corner and underside of a dining table made from Tasmanian oak, against a white background.
Studio Adeney. Elbe dining table (2022). Tasmanian Oak.
A wooden bench made from Tasmanian oak, against a white background. The legs of the bench are casting shadows against the wall and floor.
Studio Adeney. Mara bench prototype (2022). Tasmanian Oak.

This event is part of Winter Light 2022 and is presented by Salamanca Arts Centre

QT kids is an afternoon of Tasmanian (well Hobart) LGBTQIA+ youth showcasing their performative gifts, formulated in a series of workshops curated by Hera, the queen bee of QT.

Come and enjoy a welcoming environment, and listen, watch, and love the offers given that reflect the way these kids are moving through the world.

Thursday 11 August 2022
1.30pm – 2.15pm
Friday 12 August 2022
1.30pm – 2.15pm
Times includes Q & A

Whilst the wearing of masks is not mandatory it is recommended in certain situations by Tasmanian Public Health.  Masks will be available upon entering the venue for those patrons who would like one.  

If you’re unwell, it is recommended that you stay at home, and we look forward to welcoming you at Salamanca Arts Centre another time.


Photo: Bodie Strain

Hera Fox 

Hera is a playwright, and circus & cabaret creator based in nipaluna (Hobart). Having grown up in the Huon Valley starting in community musicals, they have had a varied career in burlesque and drag to circus and acrobatics. Now they have found their voice as a transgender woman returning to song and cabaret creating work for and by transgender people. Her plays have endeavored to assist in changing the culture of the live performing arts, to be more inclusive, and to not take itself too seriously. She has a tendency to write about love, lust, and loss, with a style reflecting reactions of your various ex partners.

They are the founder and artistic director of QT Cabaret, a space for transgender and gender queer performers to trial new cabaret and circus work, which won Artfully Queers unifying voice award 2019. Hera is also the winner of 2020’s Out For Australia Community Champion award.

This event is part of Winter Light 2022 and is presented by Salamanca Arts Centre

Utopia Now! is a community art project where artists collaborated with young people from diverse backgrounds and present their vision of a sustainable future that allows us all to flourish and live in harmony. The culmination of this explorative creative process will be a large-scale installation. The presentation will also include live performances and interactive elements.


Photo: Pier Carthew

Davina Wright

Davina Wright is a site-specific artist currently living in nipaluna/Hobart. 

She makes site specific, nonlinear and immersive theatre that looks at loneliness, suburbia, violence and feminism. She wrote and directed This is Grayson; a performance for audience 8+ with her collective Gold Satino. It received four Green Room Award Nominations in the Contemporary and Experimental Performance panel and received the awards for Innovation in Site Responsive Performance and Performance for Young Audiences.

Photo: Marie Nosaka

Risa Muramatsu Ray

Risa began her dancing career at an early age,  studying both classical and modern ballet and receiving numerous awards at the national competition level. In 2006 she entered the Japan Women’s College of Physical Education, home to some of Japan’s rhythmic sports  gymnastics olympic medal winners, where she majored in contemporary dance and poured her creative energies into choreography, stage production and dramatic composition while performing as a contemporary dancer in Tokyo.  

Complimenting her work in the contemporary sphere, Risa has also  

performed regularly at numerous music festivals and many of Tokyo’s  most famous clubs, as well as contributing her skills in event production  and choreography to many artists both in Japan and on the international stage. Now Risa is based in Tasmania and she is enjoying creating her  works inspired by Tasmanian nature.

Adie Delaney 

Adie began her circus career at NICA in 2004. After graduating she left Australia to Europe to join the UK’s largest touring contemporary circus company NoFitState. Over 8 years she performed swinging and flying trapeze, hula hoops, fire, acrobatics, trampolining, roller skating etc. Adie also spent two years with Cie Oncore’s flying trapeze show ‘Une Drole de Maison’ flexing her clowning muscles, and among other various events performed a season with La Clique at Edinburgh Fringe.

Photo: Gabrielle Kneebone

Andy Vagg

Andy Vagg is an artist, designer, writer, poet and performer. His practice explores the qualities and limitations of contemporary existence, and how the choices we make inherently effect, respond to, and delineate social evolution. Using post-consumer objects and materials, he creates work in social contexts, to activate spaces to form literal and metaphorical platforms for the development of ideas to encourage positive social change. His performances explore the role of religion, liturgy and ritual in a contemporary secular context, and how they can help us navigate the ongoing ecological and psychosocial changes caused by industrialisation, globalisation and consumerism. Andy has created work in public and private spaces in Newcastle, Sydney, Melbourne, Launceston and Hobart. He has collaborated with community in colleges, high schools, primary schools, community centres, and child and family centres.

Photo: Paul Hoelen

Troy Melville

Troy has worked on an extensive range of film and art projects over 20 years. His projects have involved working for and in collaboration with many different organisations and has often involved working with at risk youth, First Nations and CALD groups. Recent art projects include Paul Boam – A Creative Life, a film for his retrospective exhibition at Moonah Arts Centre. The Partnershipping Project, a national touring exhibition where Troy worked remotely with 19 artists to edit short bio films and Regenerate where New Town primary students created a series of short films about connectivity.

Photo: Will Nicolson

Yumemi Hiraki

Yumemi Hiraki is a multidisciplinary artist currently based in Nipaluna. Her practice delves into the interactions between memory, nostalgia, history and connection to place, while re-examining the relationship to her Japanese heritage. Viewing herself as a resident of cultural gaps, her works evokes a familiar yet foreign sense of longing, belonging and holding on, while hinting at life’s inevitable continuity and ephemerality. 

Yumemi is originally from Hiroshima, Japan. She completed her BFA(Sculpture and Spatial Practice) at the Victorian College of the Arts and has been an active Arts Worker while exhibiting and developing her practice in both Naarm and Nipaluna. Yumemi has a growing interest in community-based arts, mentorship and education, and currently also works as a Youth Arts Officer at the Youth Arts and Recreation Centre.

Photo: Rebecca Thompson

Julie Waddington

A graduate of the Victorian College of the Arts, Julie has been directing and producing theatre for over 20 years during which she has worked for many organisation including St Martin’s Youth Arts, La Mama, MTC, Melbourne Fringe, Tasmanian Theatre Company, Ten Days and Tasmania Performs. From 2007 to 2010 she was the Artistic Director of Riverland Youth Theatre in South Australia. Julie is currently a specialist drama teacher and independent director and producer. Her latest work, The Motherload, a creative documentary performance made through engagement with over 500 mothers across Tasmania and Australia recently premiered at Junction Arts Festival.

Photo: Kobi Hayes

Takani Clark

Takani Clark is a professional dabbler and multidisciplinary creative from lutruwita, exploring and engaging with mediums of filmmaking, visual art and performance. As a First Nations woman, raised within the staunch palawa community, Takani feels a deep responsibility to protect and document the island and its cultural identity and diversity, both environmentally and socially. As a storyteller she strives to use her creative voice to deepen our understanding of each other, the natural world and ourselves. Takani believes that diversity is an integral part of her creative practice, striving to collaborate with people from different artistic practices, any background and all walks of life.

Utopia Now Mentee/Curators

Neko Kelly

Neko Kelly is a New Zealand born emerging video artist with experience in editing and animation. His work involves a range of content; from stop-frame stories screened in Mona Foma, to LGBTQI+ educational resources for Tasmanian schools. Neko has a keen interest in telling stories that inspire empathy and compassion for marginalised communities.

Sheree Martin (Utopia Now Coordinator)
Info to come

Matt Arbuckle | Wona Bae and Charlie Lawler | Sean Bailey | Bronwyn Dillon | Eloise Kirk | Grant Nimmo | Kate Tucker | Alice Wormald

Opening Event
Friday 10 June 2022

Curator + Artist Floor Talk
Saturday 11 June 2022
Long Gallery
Salamanca Arts Centre
The panel will consisted of artists Kate Tucker, Eloise Kirk, Grant Nimmo and curator, Daine Singer

The exhibition draws inspiration from the O horizon, the top layer in a vertical profile of soil. This is the top strata of earth, the biodiverse site of microorganisms and fungi, decomposing organic matter from plants and animals, leaf litter, mosses and lichens.

The O horizon has metaphoric connotations of regeneration, and the naming of this underfoot layer as a ‘horizon’ is richly evocative. Rather than being in the distance, a horizon can be immediately beneath your feet.

The exhibition refocuses our attention to the earth, the O horizon and nutrient-rich topsoils that are vital to life and our environment.

O Horizon is curated by Daine Singer


Photo: Jesse Hunniford

Matt Arbuckle

b.1987, Auckland/Tāmaki Makaurau, New Zealand. Lives Tāmaki Makaurau/ Auckland and Naarm, Melbourne

Matt Arbuckle splits his time living and working as a practicing artist between Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland, New Zealand and Naarm, Melbourne, Australia. He graduated from Unitec Institute of Technology, Auckland, with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2009. Arbuckle has held solo exhibitions at Daine Singer (Melbourne), Two Rooms (Auckland), Vermont Studio Centre (USA), Bus Projects (Melbourne), Parlour Projects (Hawks Bay, New Zealand), Tim Melville (Auckland), Paulnache Gallery (Gisborne, New Zealand), Baustelle Gallery (Berlin). Group exhibitions include ChaShama (New York), Drill Hall Gallery (Canberra), Hugo Michell Gallery (Adelaide), TCB (Melbourne), Hanging Valley (Melbourne), The Pah Homestead, TSB Wallace Arts Trust (Auckland), Arbuckle has also participated in Sydney Contemporary, and Melbourne and Auckland art fairs.

In 2017 Arbuckle was the recipient of the James Wallace Art Fellowship to Vermont Studio Centre, USA. He has held recent solo exhibitions in 2020 and 2021 at Two Rooms (Auckland), Daine Singer (Melbourne) and Hastings City Art Gallery (Hastings, New Zealand). In 2021 he undertook a residency at Driving Creek (New Zealand). Arbuckle’s work is held in the Chartwell Collection, Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tamaki, James Wallace Arts Trust and Arthur Roe Collection.

A grid of black square artworks sits on a white wall. A blurred figure passes in front of them.
Photo: Jesse Hunniford

Wona Bae and Charlie Lawler

Wona Bae
b.1976, Muan, South Korea. Lives nipaluna/Hobart and Narrm/Melbourne

Charlie Lawler
b. 1980, nipaluna/ Hobart. Lives nipaluna/Hobart and Narrm/Melbourne

Artists Wona Bae (South Korea) and Charlie Lawler (Australia) are a collaborative duo, who have been making work together since 2004. They are internationally recognised for their experimental and concept-driven installations and sculptures that navigate the visceral and symbiotic connections between people and nature. Central to their practice are the essences of minimalism, harmony and balance. Bae and Lawler present the natural world as active and central in an era of polarisation, inequality, inaction and apathy. Using a language of texture and reduction, their work combines immersive installation, sculpture, relief, sound and photography.

Bae and Lawler have held solo exhibitions at Heide Museum of Modern Art, Melbourne (2019/20); Backwoods Gallery, Melbourne (2022 and 2019); See You Soon Gallery, Tokyo (2017); and Koskela Gallery, Sydney (2016). They were commissioned to create a major new installation for The National at the Art Gallery of New South Wales (2021), and have undertaken other major installations throughout Australia, South Korea, Japan, Spain and the UK. Bae and Lawler have won the 2019 Yering Galley Award and the 2018 Yarra Valley Arts/ RACV Award. They have undertaken residencies at Artspace, Sydney (2021) and Gregans Retreat, Lisdillon, Tasmania (2020).

Photo: Jesse Hunniford

Sean Bailey
b.1977 Kaurna/Adelaide, lives Naarm/Melbourne

Sean Bailey’s paintings and sculptures are predominantly abstract, at once hard-edged and loose, precise and improvised. Bailey uses materials such as paint, paper, linen, wood, hydrostone and concrete to gather and harness a painterly energy, manifest non-representational forms and obscure collage and shapes drawn from his personal lexicon of painted formal, organic and symbolic imagery. Bailey is interested in the strict confines and parameters of the painting surface, seeing what can be conjured within the pictorial space, the process and chance of his practice, its limitations and also its potential to extend beyond the border of the picture frame.

Bailey’s solo exhibitions include: Sydney Contemporary; RM, Auckland; First Draft, Sydney; and in Melbourne at Daine Singer, Gertrude Contemporary, Neon Parc, West Space, T.C.B., Joint Hassles and Clubs Project Space. He has participated in group exhibitions at University of Queensland Art Museum, Brisbane; Gambia Castle, Auckland; Special, Auckland; Amsterdam Biennial; Darren Knight Gallery, Sydney; CAST, Hobart; and in many Melbourne spaces including: Spring 1883 Art Fair, Gertrude Contemporary, Sutton Project Space, Hell Gallery, Bus Gallery, Utopian Slumps, T.C.B. and Seventh. As a musician he is known for playing in groups including Paeces, Wasted Truth, Vivian Girls, Lakes, TOL and TAX as well as running the private press label Inverted Crux. He has a BFA (2005) from the Victorian College of Arts and has been a studio artist at Gertrude Contemporary.

Photo: Jesse Hunniford

Bronwyn Dillon
b. 1982, nipuluna, lutruwita/Tasmania. Lives nipaluna and Western Australia

Bronwyn Dillon is a proud born palawa woman with strong cultural connections. A muka nawnta — salt water sista. Dillon is a shell stringer and basket weaver, learning the ancient techniques, passed onto her by her elders. As well as being a cultural artist and knowledge keeper, Dillon is a mother to 3 pliri (boys), whom she is bringing up strong and proud. Dillon’s creations are inspired by her culture, her people, and Mother Earth. Each unique piece is created with strong cultural knowledge and explodes with positive energy.

Photo: Jesse Hunniford

Eloise Kirk
b. 1984, New South Wales. Lives St Marys, lutriwita/Tasmania

Eloise Kirk works predominantly with collage and poured resins, creating works about suspension, erasure and fragmentation. Often these works contain a central rock or geological form, severed from its context and suspended in resin. Kirk’s works contain landscape imagery sourced from books, which are collaged into her sculptures and paintings, with the torn edges of the books they are ripped from left visible. Her landscapes and mountainous forms are devoid of recognisable locations and references, but favour mountainous peaks, vertiginous slopes, volcanic and geological formations: they are the landscape of the sublime.

Eloise Kirk lives and works from her home studio in St Mary’s, Tasmania, regularly showing in Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart. Having achieved Bachelor of Visual Arts with first class honours, she subsequently completed a Masters of Fine Arts with an Australian Postgraduate Award at Sydney College of the Arts in 2013. Since then, Kirk has exhibited solo in Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart and Christchurch, Chasm Gallery in New York. Her works have been part of group shows at Darren Knight Gallery, Roslyn Oxley, Art Space (Sydney), and the College of Fine Arts (Canterbury, New Zealand), Safari Arts Festival and the Underbelly Arts Festival. Kirk was a finalist in the Fisher’s Ghost Prize, the John Fries Emerging Art Award, the Macquarie Bank Emerging Artist Award and the Grace Cossington Smith Art Prize. In 2014 Kirk was awarded a two month Moya Dyring residency at the Cite Internationale des Arts, Paris. In 2019 she was the recipient of SHOTGUN8, a mentorship program supported by Contemporary Art Tasmania, MONA and Detached. Kirk is represented by Gallery 9, Sydney.

Photo: Daine Singer

Grant Nimmo
b. 1979 Naarm/Melbourne. Lives Naarm/Melbourne)

Grant Nimmo has held solo exhibitions at Daine Singer (2021, 2016); Ivan Anthony Gallery, Auckland (2019); Fort Delta, Melbourne (2018); Westspace, Melbourne (2014); Chapter House Lane, Melbourne (2014); Sawtooth, Launceston (2013); Anna Pappas Gallery, Melbourne (2013, 2011, 2010); Stockroom Kyneton, Victoria (2012); TCB Art Inc (2011); Rearview Gallery, Melbourne (2010); and Evan Hughes Gallery, Sydney (2009). He has participated in group exhibitions at galleries including the National Gallery of Victoria, Ivan Anthony Gallery, Spring 1883, Bus Projects, Westspace, TCB Art Inc, Art Athena Athens Art Fair, Seventh, Anna Pappas, Death Be Kind, Korean International Art Fair, Melbourne Art Fair, and Gertrude Contemporary. Nimmo has a Bachelor of Fine Art from Monash University. His work is held in collections including the National Gallery of Victoria and Artbank.

Photo: Jesse Hunniford

Kate Tucker
b.1980 Canberra. Lives Melbourne/Naarm

Kate Tucker’s works are created through a collage-like accumulative process of layering, where paintings are cut and combined, with some pieces left raw and others subjected to continuous iterative changes. Alongside large new paintings are a series of hybrid painting/ sculpture works that have complex ceramic bases holding and supporting paintings. There is an interchangeability between material characteristics of painting and sculpture, textiles and printing, and a play between what is holding and what is being held, with an emphasis on literal and metaphoric supports.

Kate Tucker is a Melbourne/ Naarm-based artist. Her recent projects include solo exhibitions at Daine Singer, Galerie Pompom, Art Stage Singapore, Chapter House Lane, c3 Contemporary Art Space, Platform and Helen Gory, and group exhibitions at NADA New York, Sutton Projects, Dutton Gallery, Caves, Tristian Koenig, SPRING1883, Incinerator Gallery, Bus Projects and LON Gallery. Tucker has been a finalist in the Arthur Guy Memorial Painting Prize, Geelong Contemporary Art Prize, The Substation Prize, Albany Art Prize, Bayside Acquisitive Art Prize, The Churchie Emerging Art Prize, Geelong Acquisitive Print Awards, and The Archibald Prize. Her work is held in collections including Artbank, Shepparton Art Museum and Bendigo Art Gallery. Tucker graduated from the Victorian College of the Arts in 2009.

A painting of a distorted landscape. A grey background with cut out shapes. Through the shapes you can see a fragmented landscape in blues and greens.
Photo: supplied by the artist

Alice Wormald
b.1987 Auckland/Tāmaki Makaurau, New Zealand. Lives Melbourne/Naarm)

Alice Wormald creates paintings depicting strange constructed spaces where surface and depth, representation and abstraction and naturalism and artifice converge. The works often emerge through the process of image collection and collage. She exercises a controlled sense of representation, grounded in concerns around the act of painting and the physicality of paint itself, while reflecting a hallucinatory experience of space and nature.

Alice Wormald completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts with first class honours at the Victorian College of the Arts in Melbourne in 2011. She has held six solo exhibitions at Daine Singer, as well as solo exhibitions at Gallery 9, Linden New Art, Blindside and Shifted. Her work has been exhibited in Synthetica, a NETS touring exhibition at Wangaratta Art Gallery, Swan Hill Regional Art Gallery, Counihan Gallery, Gippsland Art Gallery, Latrobe Regional Gallery and Wagga Wagga Art Gallery. She has also been included in exhibitions including Accession, Bundoora Homestead (2018), Analogue Art in a Digital World, RMIT Art Gallery (2018), Gardening is not a Rational Act at c3 Contemporary Art Space (2017), Visiting Painting at Horsham Regional Art Gallery (2016), Imagined Worlds, Town Hall Gallery (2016) and Vertigo, an Asialink touring exhibition at Galeri Soemardja, Bandung, Indonesia, Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA), Taipei, Taiwan and POSCO Art Gallery, Seoul, South Korea (2014). Other group exhibitions include Sydney Contemporary, Spring 1883 Art Fair (Sydney 2017 and 2015, Melbourne 2020, 2018, 2016 and 2014) and New Horizons at Gippsland Art Gallery in Sale (2013).

Wormald is the winner of the 2022 Bayside Acquisitive Art Prize and the 2022 Grace Cossington Smith Early Career Award. She has also been a finalist in the Bayside Art Prize (2020, 2017), Darebin Art Prize (2017, 2015), Bruny Island Art Prize (2016), City of Albany Art Prize (2015), Geelong Contemporary Art Prize (2018 and 2014), the John Leslie Art Prize (2016, 2014 – Highly Commended, 2012), the Macquarie Group Prize for Emerging Artists (2013), and the Banyule City Prize for Works on Paper (2013).

Her work is held in the ACU, Artbank, Bayside Gallery, Gippsland Art Gallery, Darebin City Council, Macquarie Group, Horsham Regional Art Gallery, Fiona Myer, Artisit and Joyce Nissan Collections.


Daine Singer
b.1980 Victoria, Australia. Lives Naarm/Melbourne

Daine Singer is a curator and art dealer. Since 2011 she has run her own independent gallery, representing a group of fifteen artists from Australia and New Zealand with a dynamic program that includes solo exhibitions by gallery artists, as well as projects by unrepresented artists and occasional curated exhibitions. As an adjunct to the exhibition program, she has also published four limited edition artist books through her independent small press, VERSION: Lane Cormick NOHARDATTACK, Jordan Marani EGGS, Kate Moss Wild Thoughts and Peter Davidson Words/ Lines.

Curatorial projects external to her gallery program include Experimenta Utopia Now: International Biennial of Media Art (curatorium, touring Australia 2010-2011), Dream Weavers (CAST Gallery, Hobart 2010), Draw the Line: the Architecture of Lab (National Gallery of Victoria 2009), The Nauru Elegies (DJ Spooky and Annie K Kwon, Experimenta at Blindside and Shed 4, 2010) and Big Screen Shorts (Federation Square 2010).

Before opening her own gallery, Singer has held positions including Gallery Manager at Anna Schwartz Gallery, Associate Curator at Experimenta Media Arts, and Curator at the Museum of Chinese Australian History. She has a BA (art history and history), Grad Dip in Arts Management, and Master of Art Curatorship from the University of Melbourne. Singer currently sits on the Business Advisory Council of the City of Yarra and the MLC Friends of Art Committee, previously she has been a board member of Blindside. She has been a mentor to the University of Melbourne’s Arts Career Mentoring Program, the Seventh Gallery Emerging Curator Program, Wundergym, Contemporary Art Tasmania’s Shotgun program, and The Smith Family’s iTrack Mentor program.

This event is part of the ARCHIVE 2022 program and Winter Light 2022 and is presented by Salamanca Arts Centre and Edge Radio.

Thursday 11 August
5pm – 9pm
Salamanca Square

Genre World Music

5pm | Lanterns unveiled in Salamanca Arts Centre in The Courtyard
5.40pm | Svetlana Bunic
6pm | Kattleya
6.30pm | Salsita Kids – Pies Descalzos (Bare Feet) 
6.45pm | MMT
7.15pm | Rhythmz Bollywood
7.30pm | Miettes
8.00pm | Son Del Sur
8.45pm | Bon Odori performance
9pm | Opening Night After Party in Founders Room – a free event with DJs L$F and Ari Eva!

Celebrate the opening of Winter Light with sounds of warmth and light from around the world. Local performers will welcome the coming end of winter with brightness – high energy Latin American beats, East African dancehall, Gallic tunes and a host of other influences will ring in the change of season.

Photo: Yumemi Hiraki

Obon lanterns – see the installation of lanterns created in the lead up to Winter Light by community members and facilitated by Yumemi Hiraki, mirroring the practice of Japanese obon festival to commemorate and honour ancestors.

Obon dance – gather beneath the lanterns to learn the Obon dance, practiced throughout Japan as part of the Obon Festival, with Yumemi Hiraki and Eri Mulloolly-Hill Konishi.

Rhythmz Bollywood – get ready for high energy classic Bollywood dance from nipaluna (Hobart) bollywood dance institution, Rhythmz Bollywood. Workshop participants have the opportunity to perform during opening night event. (workshop dates to come)

Photo: image supplied by artists

MMT – Madi Mega Talent Hita Man and Rasta Jay of South Sudan. These energetic MC’s rip up the stage with their brand of Badman style East African Dancehall.

Photo: image supplied by artists

Miettes – A contemporary and performative journey into the musical history of France. This unique trio explore their Gallic roots and present a show full of striking sounds and sights, leaving you begging for more than just the crumbs!

Photo: image supplied by artists

Svetlana Bunic – Accordionista Svetlana Bunic presents a well-travelled cinematic repertoire of Frech musette, Argentinian tango, continental movie themes, retro melodies, gypsy grooves, smoking jazz, Latin and cabaret show tunes.

Photo: image supplied by artists

Son Del Sur – Son del Sur is an exciting 10 piece Latin-Jazz and Salsa band. Son del Sur (meaning “they are from the South”) has performed at many of Tasmania’s premier music events and has wowed audiences with their impressive sound.

Photo: image supplied by artists

Kattleya – Kattleya are an acoustic duo from Colombia featuring Latin American music with distinctive upbeat, tropical sounds and uplifting melodies. 

Photo: image supplied by the artists

Salsita Kids – Salsitas is an intergenerational dance group with ancestral roots transmitting folklore stories. Salsitas explores traditions which are then performed by modern Latin Americans with a mission to rediscover their unique histories, through Latino rhythms and traditional dance.

The Curator

Photo: supplied by the artist

Sharifah Emalia Al-Gadrie

Sharifah Emalia Al-Gadrie is a multidisciplinary artist, curator and community development worker based in nipaluna/Hobart, lutruwita/Tasmania.

Her creative practice is responsive and explores belonging and cultural heritage in contemporary Australia, drawing on lived experience as an Asian-Australian woman. Representation, connection and community building are central themes which ground her curatorial practice.