“Monkey Magic with Destined One” is a unique musical stage comedy that reinterprets the classic “Journey to the West” with modern issues and Tasmanian landscapes. This three-act play follows Tripitaka, the Monkey King, and Pigsy in a humorous, environmentally-conscious adventure, enhanced by live music and local Tasmanian artistry.
2024: Hilarious Original Musical Stage Comedy – A Must-See for Comedy Lovers!
Introducing “Monkey Magic with Destined One,” a brand-new stage musical comedy that reimagines the classic Journey to the West (MONKEY MAGIC), seamlessly blending it with contemporary issues and the enchanting landscapes of Tasmania. This innovative production brings together the art of theater and live music to transport an Eastern myth onto the stage, creating a fresh and original stage musical comedy.
Spanning three acts, the story primarily follows Tripitaka, the Monkey King, and Pigsy on a whimsical and high-energy journey to find their destined ones and save nature. Throughout the performance, the narrative skillfully addresses real-world environmental concerns and the complexities of interpersonal trust through a witty and humorous artistic lens. Furthermore, the live music elements are a standout feature of this theatrical masterpiece, adding an extra layer of magic to the entire experience.
All elements of this show is created, curated and developed by Tasmanian local artists.
Monkey Magic with a Destined One Highlights:
– Creativity: **Immerse yourself in the innovative and creative retelling of a mythological narrative.
– Classic Homage:** Experience a respectful nod to the iconic moments from “Monkey Magic.”
– Cultural Fusion:** Witness the infusion of Eastern cultural elements, including Peking Opera and martial arts, creating a unique and authentic stage experience.
– Live Musical Experience:** Be enchanted by the live music performed by the “Purple Passion” band, featuring specially adapted compositions premiering on the same day.
– Comedic Appeal:** Dive into a comedic journey, promising a light and humorous experience suitable for diverse audiences.
“Monkey Magic with a Destined One” Synopsis:
Introducing a brand-new stage musical comedy that ingeniously blends the classic “Monkey Magic” with contemporary issues against the enchanting backdrop of Tasmania. Join Tripitaka, the Monkey King, and Pigsy on a whimsical journey spanning three acts as they seek their destined ones and strive to save nature. This theatrical masterpiece addresses real-world environmental concerns with humour and wit, accompanied by the captivating live music of the “Purple Passion” band.
Before You Hit ‘Buy Ticket’:
This production is a completely fictional narrative, crafted without any factual basis. In our meticulous adaptation, all religious elements from the original source have been purposefully excluded to provide an environment free from religious content.
Music Support: Purple Passion
Technical Support: Olimedia Events