Discovering Ability
OnTrack Tasmania
Discovering Ability showcases the participants’ experiences, stories, and incredible creative abilities.
Discovering Ability is the second annual exhibition by OnTrack Tasmania NDIS participants. Its purpose is to highlight these artists’ who, despite the challenges and constraints, have a remarkable ability to use art to express their thoughts, feelings and life experiences.
Throughout the year the OnTrack Tasmania Making Tracks program offers a variety of classes and activities where participants learn new skills and work on art pieces. OnTrack Tasmania is proud to present the result of the talent and hard work from our participants’ and to showcase their creative abilities. The Discovering Ability exhibition makes use of the artistic talents of OnTrack Tasmania’s participants and staff to give each client the chance to express and share their experiences, stories, and exceptional skills. The exhibition aims to help artists recognise the value of their art and provide them an opportunity to sell at their pieces.