Emma Bingham
December 1, 2023 – Jan 28, 2024
Daily opening times:
9 AM – 5 PM
Variations to Daily Opening Times :
Saturdays and Sundays 10am – 3pm
The surface of the body has no edge. It folds and involutes into spaces of breath, sustenance and reproduction. At the same time, the skin is a membrane between the internal and the external: a threshold within the continuum of embodied experience.
Emma Bingham is a resident artist at Salamanca Arts Centre. Her studio-based research draws on theoretical and philosophical ideas of the body as a site of inheritance, encounter, and transformation, and on the combined aspects of her life: as mother, partner and nurse. She considers how abstract form can highlight the evocative and affective capacity of process, and how the material properties of paper, cloth and wax can evoke the body, a sense of holding and the traces of touch: the connections and residues which are formed through our lives and our encounters with others.