As a rock

Curated by Rebecca Holmes

As a rock

Curated by Rebecca Holmes

Daily Opening Times :

Saturday 3 – Saturday 17 August, 2024
Wednesday – Friday 10am-4pm
Saturday 10am-2pm

Artists from Tasmania and elsewhere ruminating on our relationship with rocks.

Rocks make up the Earth’s solid outer layer, they form the ground beneath us and the landscape around us. When considered in their ubiquity and in relation to ourselves they hold a sense of permanence. They are synonymous with solidity and strength, and even immovability. Rocks however are in a constant state of change, of breaking down and reforming.

Priscilla Beck

Anna Eden

Lucy Hawthorne

Tim Panaretos

Lucy Parakhina

Madeleine Parsons

Edith Perrenot

Gabbee Stolp

Curated by Rebecca Holmes