Opening Event
Friday 9 December 2022
6:00pm – 8:00pm

The artistic talents of students and graduates from the University of Tasmania’s School of Creative Arts and Media (SCAM) will be on display at the Salamanca Arts Centre’s Long Gallery when the TUSA Painting Society presents its annual Not Just Paint exhibition for the eight time.

The exhibition will feature work from across all the disciplines including Photography, Printmaking, Sculpture and Painting. 

Besides the traditional presentation of attributed artworks, the exhibition contains within it, the ever-popular Salon des Refusés, where an eclectic assortment of very modestly priced unattributed works, are also offered for sale.

Joanna Postlethwaite. ‘Till Death Do Us Part (2022). Soft Pastels. 62cm x 85cm.
Anna Brooks. Allocasuarina Cones (2017). Monotype Print. 30cm x 30cm
Joanna Postlethwaite. Hunting Eels at the Lagoon (2022). Soft Pastels. 91cm x 120cm.

Opening Event
Wednesday 30 November 2022
5:30pm – 7:30pm

If we don’t look, we can’t see, and if we can’t see, we can’t know, so how can we understand?

Dedicated to reflecting the diverse world we live in, The STARE celebrates difference, equity and diversity. Witness the rich history of Second Echo Ensemble’s artists in thought-provoking portraits, conversations, performances and artefacts.The STARE is presented concurrently with ON DISPLAY GLOBAL.

The STARE is an exhibition piece; simultaneously artwork and living history that addresses the uncomfortable and too often unspoken experiences of diverse artists. Through a series of portraits, audio/video recordings, collated personal artifacts and live performances given by the ensemble. 

Second Echo Ensemble (2020). Photo by Dan Cripps.
Second Echo Ensemble (2020). Photo by Dan Cripps.
Second Echo Ensemble (2020). Photo by Dan Cripps.

Opening Event
Friday 11 November 2022
5:30pm – 7:30pm

This retrospective exhibition explores and honours a lifetime of exploration by renowned Tasmanian artist Patricia Giles.

Patrica Giles’ family invite you to view works from the artist’s own collection, many which have never been exhibited publicly. Works include not only Patricia’s beautiful watercolours, but also works of other mediums including printmaking, oils, acrylics, drawings and mixed media. 

Patricia never stopped experimenting with techniques and materials, passionately inspired and captivated by the Tasmanian landscape and the world around her, Patricia Giles : The Enduring Wild allows us a glimpse into Patricia’s adventurous spirit and plentiful love for the natural environment.

Patricia Giles : 23 June 1932 – 19 March 2021

Curation by Courtney Simpson.

Patricia Giles. Lake Pedder (detail). Watercolour. 40.5 x 55 cm.
Patricia Giles. Rockpool #3 (detail). Watercolour. 56.5 x 44.5 cm.
Patricia Giles. Ralphs Bay Series (detail). Editioned Lithograph. 35 x 50 cm.

Opening Event
Friday 21 October 2022 @ 5:30pm

Showing Lloyd Rees’ love of Tasmania, this special exhibition features a remarkable series of 40 lithographs by one of Australia’s great landscape artists, with signed, original limited edition prints available for purchase.

“These lithographs were the artistic highlight of Rees’ last years, rich in grandeur and drama, executed when Rees worked with legendary master printer Fred Genis. Rees loved the technique of lithography and his relationship with Fred was one of his last creative pleasures”
– Jon Cecil, Curator

Presented by Jon Cecil Fine Art

Lloyd Rees. Morning Light, Hobart. Llithograph
Lloyd Rees. Mid-Afternoon, Sandy Bay, Lithogrpah.
Lloyd Rees. Breezy Day. Lithograph

Discovering Ability showcases the participants’ experiences, stories, and incredible creative abilities.

Discovering Ability is the second annual exhibition by OnTrack Tasmania NDIS participants. Its purpose is to highlight these artists’ who, despite the challenges and constraints, have a remarkable ability to use art to express their thoughts, feelings and life experiences.

Throughout the year the OnTrack Tasmania Making Tracks program offers a variety of classes and activities where participants learn new skills and work on art pieces. OnTrack Tasmania is proud to present the result of the talent and hard work from our participants’ and to showcase their creative abilities. The Discovering Ability exhibition makes use of the artistic talents of OnTrack Tasmania’s participants and staff to give each client the chance to express and share their experiences, stories, and exceptional skills. The exhibition aims to help artists recognise the value of their art and provide them an opportunity to sell at their pieces.

Artwork by Ontrack participant.
Ontrack participant with Art Program Leader.
Ontrack participant.

This event is part of Winter Light 2022 and is presented by Salamanca Arts Centre

Friday 12 August
Sadly, this performance has been cancelled. Apologises for any inconvenience.
Risa Ray + Georgia Shine
9.00pm – 9.30pm
In front of the Peacock Theatre

Saturday 13 August 
Risa Ray + Jem Nicholas + Georgia Shine
9.00pm – 9.30pm
In front of the Peacock Theatre

Friday 19 August
Jem Nicholas + Georgia Shine
10.00pm – 10.30pm
Long Gallery

Saturday 20 August
Jem Nicholas + Georgia Shine + Risa Ray
10.00pm – 10.30pm
Long Gallery

Random Acts of Weirdness – where the strange and beautiful meet. 
Short form performances with extreme undertakings. 

Not to be missed.


Photo: supplied by the artist

Georgia Shine

Georgia Shine is a cellist, vocalist, improviser, and multi-disciplinary artist. A University of Queensland graduate in Music Performance (Hons) and an Alexander Technique practitioner and teacher, she is the founder of Moving Connections, which uses live music and improvised dance to build community with therapeutic arts practices. 

Georgia has performed around Australia with the Southern Cross Soloists, the Armilla Quartet, Nessi Gomes and most recently with the Tasmanian folk duo, Yyan and Emily. Her festival appearances include Dark MOFO, Bangalow Music Festival, Beaker St Festival, The Unconformity, Cygnet Folk Festival, Mt Roland Folk Festival and Woodford Folk Festival. Georgia has performed regularly as a solo cellist at MONA for the Ladies’ Lounge, Faro Restaurant and Salon Sunday. 

Being also an improvisational dancer and award-winning visual artist, Georgia is currently working on her own body of performance art that is inspired by the connection between the diversity of the Tasmanian landscape and her own ecology of artistic practices with an Arts Tasmania funded Artist in Residency Program at Cradle Mountain.

Photo: Marie Nosaka

Risa Ray

I’m a dancer from Japan. I have family there and here, and who exist in both worlds. I grew up around Tokyo, the direct opposite of Tasmania. I’ve been Tasmania for over six years and I love here. My connections are varied and contrasting. I’m not a native speaker and still studying English, but I can communicate. Dance is possibly my best way of communicating. It helps me form bridges between my worlds.

Photo: supplied by the artist

Jem Nicholas

Jem Nicholas has worked as an actor in Australia, New Zealand and New York. Jem holds a Bachelor of Performing Arts from Monash University, and has since further her studies at the Susan Batson Studio NY, 16TH Street Actors Studio and The Melbourne Actors Lab. Jem has also trained with Hollywood Director and coach Kim Farrant. Some of her notable theatre credits include playing Carrie in ‘Rules for Living’ (Red Stitch Theatre), Sylvia in ‘You Are the Blood’ (Spinning Plates Co.), various lead roles in ‘Song Contest, Almost Eurovision Experience’ (Glynn Nicholas Group), Vendla in ‘Spring Awakening’ (Monash University), and many more. Jem has also appeared in ABC’s ‘Dr Blake Murder Mysteries,’ directed by Diana Reid, and as Elizabeth in ‘The spirit of the Game’ (Shearwater Entertainment). Jem is an independent play write and physical theatre performer and puppeteer and has received a Green Room Nomination for Best Actress in an Ensemble for her role as Rose in ‘Love, Love, Love’ with Red Stitch. She is currently training in the Alexander Technique in Hobart and will graduate as a teacher in 2014.

Opening Event
Friday 9 September 2022, 6:00pm – 8:00pm

“In the light of the moon a little egg lay on a leaf.”
– Eric Carle, The Very Hungry Caterpillar

TasPride’s annual Artfully Queer Exhibition and Arts Program showcases the creative talents of emerging and fully fledged contemporary Tasmanian lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer artists, designers, craftspeople and performers, responding to the theme ‘transform’. 

As always, interpret, challenge, expand or illustrate as creatively as you like.

Curated by Phoebe Adams. 

Be part of it!
Artfully Queer is open to all Tasmanian LGBTQ creatives and their families. All mediums and levels of ability are welcome. This years theme is ‘transform‘ and we ask exhibitors to consider the theme and respond to it in their work or choice of entry. For more details on how to enter your art, craft, design work into this years Artfully Queer exhibition at the Long Gallery at Salamanca Arts Centre, please see the link below.

More than a century ago, Australia was introduced to the wonder of Antarctica by the great scientist and explorer Sir Douglas Mawson. 

Understanding the continent is key to a deeper understanding of climate, weather and sea level changes. As a nation, Australia has an enduring commitment to protect and preserve Antarctica for future generations.

A photo of a group of people dressed in thick coats and hats in Antarctica. They are sitting on the ice, next to a weather pole, and in the background there are sevral vehicles for travelling in the ice and snow.
Photo by Andy Hung. Australian Antarctic Division

An exciting presentation of recent works by members of the Art Society of Tasmania.

The Annual Exhibition is the highlight of the Art Society of Tasmania calendar. Artists submit work created in the last 12 months to be judged for prizes from sponsors. Artworks include representation of all mediums and genres, and showcase the skill, talent and imagination of local artists.

A textural painting of a blue, open boat tied to a dock on a river. In the background are several other boats and moorings.
Rick Crossland. Blue Boat, Franklin
A paintings of a breakfast table setting seen from above. The table is covered with a yellow and blue patterned tablecloth and a red and shite placemat crossed the table diagonally. On the table sits a coffe plunger, a white milk jug, a white bowl of fruit (two lemons, one red apple and one green apple), a blue and white pattern china teacup and saucers, a yellow plate with an egg cup and a hard-boiled egg cut in half, and a green plate with an apple sut in half and slices again.
Judy Griffits. There is a Certain Slant of Light.
A landscape painting, looking down from hill on a hill. In the foreground is a twisted tree, covered in moss, in the midground is the canopy of trees. In the far distance in a mountain range.
Sally James. Above the Falls, National Park

The 138th Annual Exhibition is proudly supported by : Artery, ARCFramerite, The City of Hobart, Phil’s Framing, Lauder and Howard Antiques and Fine Art, Just Frames, Wagner Framemakers, AdArt.

The debut solo exhibition by emerging Tasmanian designer-maker Patrick Adeney.

Concept to Collection is centred around two bodies of work, ‘Elbe’: A series of dining tables, and ‘Mara’: A series of benches. The work is tactile and sculptural, soft edges and sweeping curves enticing the viewer to touch and feel the work.

In developing these bodies of work, Patrick has been able to explore materiality, form, balance, colour, and their relationship to functionality. He has been able to experiment with his designs and identify where a design is successful, and more importantly- where it is not.

This developmental stage has been greatly assisted by Patrick receiving the Springboard Scholarship at Designed Objects Tasmania. The scholarship has funded Patrick’s workshop and studio expenses for 6 months, and also committed funding towards his exhibition. Designed Objects Tasmania (DOT) continues to provide fantastic resources and support for early career designers in Hobart.

“The support from DOT has been enormous. As an emerging designer, the people of DOT have really helped me to develop my work, which is invaluable during these early stages.”

Patrick is inspired by the vast natural world around him in Tasmania, his furniture referencing shapes and junctions found in some of Tasmania’s most iconic trees. Whilst the work is sculptural, it is equally functional and robust. The maker loves to showcase how timber can be connected, with a strong focus on exposed joins; bringing a more traditional element into a very contemporary practice.

Concept to Collection follows the story of each piece as it develops; how necessary changes are made to overcome issues, and move towards a fully resolved design.

It is through this process of exploring an idea, creating a design, building it, then rebuilding it – that the maker feels most comfortable.

“I never formally trained as a furniture maker, my background is as a tradesman. Design for me can’t just be on the iPad, that will get me only 50% there. I need to make it, look at it, live with it, study it in the flesh and then do it again.”

“This process of refinement is not about seeking absolute perfection. It’s about working towards it. It’s about taking the best parts of a prototype and doing it again, this time a little better.”

This exhibition was assisted by Arts Tasmania.

A close up of the legs of a dining table made from Tasmanian oak, against a white background. The legs are casting shadows against the wall and floor.
Studio Adeney. Elbe dining table (2022). Tasmanian Oak.
A close up of the corner and underside of a dining table made from Tasmanian oak, against a white background.
Studio Adeney. Elbe dining table (2022). Tasmanian Oak.
A wooden bench made from Tasmanian oak, against a white background. The legs of the bench are casting shadows against the wall and floor.
Studio Adeney. Mara bench prototype (2022). Tasmanian Oak.