Material Desires
Lorenz Cherry
Daily Opening Times :
Saturday 3 August – Monday 16 September 2024
Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday 10:00am – 2:00pm
Material Desires by Lorenz Cherry is an enquiry that delves into the intricate relationship between individual consumer choices and the pursuit of joy and happiness. This exhibition invites viewers of all ages and walks of life to contemplate their own diverse material desires.
The core premise of Material Desires revolves around the idea that consumerism, often criticized for its excesses and negative environmental impact, can also be a source of genuine happiness and personal fulfillment. The exhibition seeks to challenge conventional stereotypes surrounding consumer culture by exploring the emotional and personal dimensions of our favourite purchases. The core objectives of the exhibition are:
1. To Celebrate Diversity in Consumer Choices : Material Desires aims to showcase the vast spectrum of consumer items that people find joy in, highlighting the rich tapestry of tastes, interests, and backgrounds that make up our society.
2. To Challenge Assumptions : By examining the positive aspects of consumerism, the exhibition challenges stereotypes and encourages a more nuanced understanding of how our favourite things contribute to our well-being.
3. To Promote Self-Reflection : The artworks prompt visitors to reflect on their own cherished purchases and the personal significance of these objects in their lives.
4. To Foster Dialogue : The exhibition provides a platform for visitors to engage in meaningful conversations about consumerism, happiness, and the role of material possessions in our lives.
In summary, Material Desires, invites viewers to contemplate the emotional and personal dimensions of their acquisitions and explore the intersection of materialism, values, and identity